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The mallorca project – my six year plan

Scarlet Allen

As many of you might already know, I‘m planning to open up a permaculture retreat in mallorca in the future. To reach my goal I started with a six year masterplan. 2020 is my year two.

The masterplan

Year 1: Start to learn spanish and get to know the cool people in Mallorca.

Year 2: Get a drivers licence, save money and figure out where and how I could buy land. (2020)

Year 3: Buy the perfect property

Year 4: Plan the project and renovation in detail, get building and tourist permits and look for investors.

Year 5: Go on a mediterranean permaculture sabbatical (woof) while waiting for permits.

Year 6: Crowd funding and renovation. Start with the first courses on site.

Why I need a masterplan?

First of all it helps me stay focused on my dreams. I tackle this project like I would start any (permaculture) design process. My favorite permaculture principle is "Observe and interact". It means to first observe a situation long enough to truly understand it. To see how things are running, before you interact. So this is what I'm doing. The plan will most likely change over time, but it's always good to have one to start with.

The second reason I wrote this masterplan down is, that my financial situation doesn't allow me to make big mistakes and most certainly it will not allow me to start a renovation project just now. I'm saving a small amount of money each month and hope that I'll have enough, once I find my perfect property.

So far I'm right on target. I intend to move to Mallorca for the winter, to get to view some properties, talk to a lawyer about all the new regulations and to get to know the island and its people better.

Let me know if you can help me finding my dream property or if you are interested in supporting this project in any way.



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